Photo of the Week…Roots

Photo of the Week…Roots

This is the path I take every weekend as I descend down 100+ stairs to the beach. Coming up is always a killer, especially on my dodgy knees (seriously concerned about Inca Trail in 60 or so days…). However painful the post beach climb is, 

Photo of the Week … Mollymook

Photo of the Week … Mollymook

I feel so lucky every time I visit Mollymook, on the NSW South Coast. That means I feel lucky a lot as I tend to visit about 4 times a year, seeing as my parents have retired nearby. The South Coast of NSW features some 

Akuna Bay, Sydney

Akuna Bay, Sydney

You’ve probably driven past the sign a thousand times if you live in a part of Northern Sydney. Akuna Bay – this way, it says as you zoom down the hill towards Sydney’s Northern Beaches and Pittwater. One lazy Sunday we decided to finally drive out 

Sculptures by the Sea

Sculptures by the Sea

Every October, I vow I’ll make it to Sculptures by the Sea. And nearly every single year I never get there. It only runs for two weeks and it’s a good hours drive away,  so trying to fit it in at that busy time of 

Photo Of The Week … Palm Beach with purple flowers

Photo Of The Week … Palm Beach with purple flowers

Palm beach is a ten minute drive from The Artist’s house. We often drive up just to take in the scenery and get out of the house. I love that it’s always different, depending on the time of day, season and weather. This glorious spring 

The Doors of North Hobart

The Doors of North Hobart

On my recent trip to Hobart in June, I stayed with friends in an Airbnb in North Hobart. Unlike my previous trip to North Hobart, this one was all on foot. No hire car, mainly walking to everything and the occasional taxi. Even though walking 

Photo Of The Week …  Kapiti Coast

Photo Of The Week … Kapiti Coast

On a clear day, the views as you drive the coast from Wellington up the Kapiti Coast are pretty spectacular. The highway weaves around the coast and you are treated to views of the Pacific Ocean and Kapiti Island.

Mt Victoria Lookout, Wellington New Zealand

Mt Victoria Lookout, Wellington New Zealand

Above Wellington city (New Zealand’s small but friendly capital) lies Mt Victoria. In such a hilly region it isn’t noticeable as a towering mountain or distinguishable landmark, mostly overrun with roads and houses. You can easily drive to the top and see panoramic views from 

Palm Beach

Palm Beach

At the northern most point of Sydney lies Palm Beach. Famous for Home and Away, rich celebrity homes and wedding destinations, us mere mortals can enjoy a leisurely drive up the Northern Beaches peninsula and a wander around the beach, bay and headland. We often go 

Cave Ins

Cave Ins

I love visiting caves but have realised I love big open caves with awesome lighting, as opposed to small ‘crawl in’ style spelunking adventures. Claustrophobia? Lack of interest in belly crawling? Lazy traveller? Pea brain that likes pretty colours? Whatever…. big bright caves are for 

Cottesloe Beach, Western Australia

Cottesloe Beach, Western Australia

I had the joy of visiting Cottesloe Beach on the outskirts of Perth in April for a friend’s wedding. We decided to stay for 4 days and make the most of this sleepy seaside town. A location this close to the Sydney CBD would be 

Tasman Peninsula, Tasmania

Tasman Peninsula, Tasmania

A road trip down to Port Arthur was broken up by stopping to see some lovely coastal sites. As quoted here by wikipedia: The rugged coastline has been the scene of a number of shipwrecks. Two large seagoing steamers have sunk after hitting the Hyppolyte 

Hunter Valley, NSW

Hunter Valley, NSW

Just an hour or so out of Sydney lies the Hunter Wine region, one of Australia’s premium grape growing areas that produce some of Australia’s best wine. Not that I am much of a wine drinker, sure I love a good Moscato, but I can’t 

Wineglass Bay, Tasmania

Wineglass Bay, Tasmania

We had the best weather for our day hiking to the lookout and beach at Wineglass Bay. Sunny but not too hot. No chance of rain, perfect for photographs and a hour or so of incline.  The views as you climb to the lookout are 

Coolangatta – Queensland, Australia

Coolangatta – Queensland, Australia

Reminiscing of visiting Coolangatta this time last year, where winter really doesn’t exist! Stay: Oakes Calypso Plaza Eat: Coolangatta Hotel Visit: The beach