Travel Photography – Insects

I love a good photo opportunity, especially when travelling. And with the discovery of Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest etc, I take so many more photos, even of the most benign things.

I obviously suffer from FOMO, but also “FOMO-OPO”- Fear of Missing Out On Photo Opportunities.

So there are certain scenes and objects that I always have to capture. Sunsets, Waterfalls, Flowers, Cocktails, all the great holiday stuff. Lately I realised I also have a thing for taking photos of insects. Usually a macro shot, I love a good macro…

I don’t know why travel brings out a focus on insects, seeing as I rarely take happy snaps of creepy crawlies at home, but when travelling I must feel like they are so unique! so foreign! that I find myself literally crawling around getting the best close up insect shot.

The evidence is below, my own ‘insects of the world’ collection – enjoy!

(Yes clearly I am weird -or maybe not, who else out there loves insect photography…Is that even a thing?)












This little red and black bug was hanging out at our jungle stay in Borneo. I loved getting the selective colouring setting happening.
















On our jungle hike in Malaysia in the Cameron Highlands, I stumbled across this litte guy. We were trekking single file through the dense foliage and had to stop at a one person bridge. As I waited my turn I looked down and this bug was resting on plant. I wouldn’t have seen him if we hadn’t stopped. Love his yellow and black markings.











This crazy big bug was flying around on the ground outside a convenience store in Bali. He was as big as my palm!

















Another interesting looking wasp like creature that we found deep in the jungles of Malaysia. He seemed too heavy to get off the ground. We saw him just as we discovered a Rafflesia flower in the wild.





















This amazing dragonfly was hitching a ride on our boat on the Tonle Sap, Cambodia.



















When out walking the dog at home (ok so I must be obsessed with insects whether I travel or not) I saw these cool little stink bugs and a lady beetle.


Whilst doing some light hiking (like all downhill) on Emei Mountain in China we saw these cool spitfire caterpillars. We also saw some huge butterflies that were so pretty, but the elusive things never stopped still so we could get a picture!


I did get to get some amazing photos (probably about 100) of the butterflies we saw at the Butterfly farm in the Cameron Highlands in Malaysia. Okay so they weren’t photographed in the wild but they sure are stunning.


Travel Photography, one of my favourite things. Along with insects I also love a good waterfall, sunset, flower, cocktail, doorway, animal shot… and it seems I have a large collection of photos of me holding random food items up to my mouth. Classy!

More blog posts to come on my other photography faves 🙂









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